Our Services
Anti-aging treatment, Wrinkles, freckles and age spots
We all are aware of all these terminologies as they appear initially in the form of fine lines on our face while smiling or certain facial gestures but gradually start becoming deep and prominent lines leading to signs of aging.
Age spots are dark spots or patches seen on the skin due to sun damage which are also signs of aging.
The correct approach to tackle them is to start early skin care regimes and treatments at early age by which we can avoid their appearance for a quite long period of time along with having a healthy, glowing and beautiful skin.
For people in whom these have already developed we at skinspire provide a combination of various noninvasive procedures and products to correct them in safe and effective manner.
This includes all sort of skin diseases like eczema, fungal infections, psoriasis, skin allergies, lichen planus and all sort of other autoimmune skin disorders.
We at skinspire care not just for your looks but strive to give our clients complete healthy looks which is only possible if they have a healthy skin. So we also administer appropriate constitutional homoeopathic medicines in such conditions to heal all sort of skin conditions effectively and wholistically.